Please be advised, we are receiving an influx of registration forms at this time. Therefore, you may not see your new registration or registration changes right away. Please do NOT resubmit your forms, our team is working diligently to complete all registration forms as soon as possible.Thank you for your patience.





441-293-VOTE (8683)



The voter should ensure they update any changes to their registration details within 28 days of the occurrence of the change.


Please be aware that the new constituency boundaries are in effect. Please read your registration details to the end to determine if you will be effected by the change.


Please be advised, we are receiving an influx of registration forms at this time. Therefore, you may not see your new registration or registration changes right away. Please do NOT resubmit your forms, our team is working diligently to complete all registration forms as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


Fill in the details below to check your registration details.

Note: Be sure to only enter your first and last names in the top two fields below.