
Total Votes Cast: 20,804

Total Votes Rejected: 42

Total Vote Count Percentage: 46.89%

Number of Registered Voters: 44,367

Are you in favour of same sex marriage in Bermuda?
Region Registered No: Votes Count 1 Count 2 Count 3 Final  
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Unanswered
REGION 1 3902 127 343 239 700 351 1057 427 1235 6
REGION 2 3901 124 356 245 714 360 1078 484 1432 4
REGION 3 3768 185 264 373 574 671 828 807 1090 4
REGION 4 3571 192 257 378 521 577 770 774 998 4
REGION 5 3620 87 287 176 621 266 930 376 1253 6
REGION 6 3552 54 296 113 587 183 891 258 1196 1
REGION 7 3547 148 251 313 486 501 697 691 875 3
REGION 8 3895 181 269 381 519 594 754 825 1017 2
REGION 9 3517 114 309 224 623 349 895 490 1156 6
REGION 10 3645 134 412 206 590 393 1050 486 1270 7
REGION 11 3934 115 358 261 662 395 1024 547 1389 6
REGION 12 3515 96 376 168 654 265 982 349 1281 7

Are you in favour of same sex marriage in Bermuda?

Results summary for all regions

Total Vote Casts:

6,514 votes ( 31.37% )
14,192 votes ( 68.36% )
56 votes ( 0.27% )

Total Vote Count Percentage: 46.89%

Number of Registered Voters: 44,367



Total Votes Cast: 20,762

Total Votes Rejected: 0

Total Vote Count Percentage: 46.80%

Number of Registered Voters: 44,367

Are you in favour of same sex civil unions in Bermuda?
Region Registered No: Votes Count 1 Count 2 Count 3 Final  
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Unanswered
REGION 1 3902 149 318 284 651 429 971 511 1143 14
REGION 2 3901 156 320 298 657 427 1004 573 1335 12
REGION 3 3768 222 225 453 492 681 713 943 947 11
REGION 4 3571 228 219 442 453 673 668 905 862 9
REGION 5 3620 103 271 220 578 327 869 448 1180 7
REGION 6 3552 71 279 139 561 220 852 309 1142 4
REGION 7 3547 172 225 375 422 592 602 791 767 11
REGION 8 3895 211 237 436 460 666 677 915 916 13
REGION 9 3517 128 294 253 594 394 846 564 1077 11
REGION 10 3645 159 382 246 543 468 967 579 1168 16
REGION 11 3934 147 328 311 607 473 940 648 1279 15
REGION 12 3515 125 348 222 599 341 903 440 1187 10

Are you in favour of same sex civil unions in Bermuda?

Results summary for all regions

Total Vote Casts:

7,626 votes ( 36.73% )
13,003 votes ( 62.63% )
133 votes ( 0.64% )

Total Vote Count Percentage: 46.80%

Number of Registered Voters: 44,367